Update on Activity

Work was seen at the Shoreline, Washington City Hall Galleries as part of the exhibition Modvale: Presence & Absence in Local History from late January through mid April, 2016. Currently, as part of the exhibition, Cross-Pollinations: Artists Working in Collaboration, the “Unfolding” book made for the September 2015 exhibition at Gallery 110 in Pioneer Square, Seattle is on view through August 5th.

In July, I will have a solo show at Gallery 110 called OnLooker. This exhibition concentrates on capturing candid portraits that portray emotion or a sense of vernacular cultural practices many of us share. This project will be seen as a gallery in the near future.

In mid July, more work about changes in city landscapes will be on view at Black Lab Gallery in Everett, WA. Urban Interventions, the gallery on this site,

Intimate conversation seen as progressively intense and sad.

Intensity… from OnLooker Project

will be updated to include this work.  My photographs will partner with a collection of  related paintings by Isabella Valencia, founder and director of Black Lab.

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